The Master Mason Association of Hillsborough County welcomed W.:B.: Daniel Molina from Miami as its guest speaker this month. His presentation focused on the history and events surrounding the Taxil Hoax.
I have been following Daniel’s presentations across the state for a while and always enjoyed his focus on the esoteric side of Freemasonry.
We were also honored to have our Grand Master, M.:W.: Glen B. Bishop, Deputy Grand Master, R.:W.: Don Cowart, Grand Marshal, Paul Stelrecht, Grand Historian, R.:W.: Jack Hampton and our Past Grand Master, M.:W.: J. Dick Martinez in attendance for the event.
Masonic Education is an important part of what we do as Masons. Don’t make education a second thought and not deliver the seeds of knowledge effectively to your members. Contact your local District Association or Masters and Wardens for a list of Masonic Speakers in your area. If you don’t have one, check with the Grand Lodge Office for a list of state-wide resources.
It’s a great day to be a Mason!